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If you would like any of these teachers to contact you please fill out this form.

Angelina Anello-Dennee Bend Piano, Voice
Melissa Barker Prineville Piano
Jodie Bischof Sunriver Piano
Peter Brownlee Bend Piano
Sally Burger Prineville Piano
Amy Conklin Bend Piano
Darlene Cusick *Honorary  
Laura Earley Bend Laura Earley is currently on leave. Piano
Melissa Farley Bend Piano
Suzanne Gainey Bend Piano, Cello
Kathy Gault Bend Piano
Jill Geil Redmond Piano
Helen Jones Bend Piano
Judy Kamperman Bend Piano, Theory, Suzuki Piano
Megan Lapp Bend Megan Lapp is currently on leave. Piano, Voice
Margaret Littlehales Bend Piano
Jennifer Marsden Bend Jennifer Marsden is currently on leave. Piano, Guitar
Patti Peterson Bend Piano
Larry Rauch Bend Piano
Virginia Reber Bend Piano
Gina Rosbrook Sunriver Gina Rosbrook’s studio is currently full. Piano, Guitar
Gary Ruppert Redmond Jazz Piano
Jan Saito Bend Piano
Jonathan Shepherd Bend Jonathan Shepherd’s studio is currently full. Piano, Accompanying, Musical Theatre Coaching
Mariann Slavkovsky Bend, Redmond Piano
Janet Smith Bend Piano
Rebecca Hilary Smith Sisters Piano, Harp
Ryan Zwahlen Bend Flute, Oboe
Geneva Wright * Honorary